Advisors for medium-sized Business
(German business administration degree)
Andreas Müller
Tax Consultant
Fachberater für Internationales Steuerrecht
(specialist advisor for international tax law)
(German business administration degree)
Lothar Müller
German Public Auditor | Tax Consultant
Fachberater für Internationales Steuerrecht
(specialist advisor for international tax law)
International Tax Law
An overview of our services
- Advisory services and ongoing tax advice for international enterprises with a permanent establishment or an independent subsidiary in Germany
- Advisory services for domestic German enterprises with cross-border activities
- Accounting and reporting
- Staff deployment
- Capital gains tax
- Advisory on transfer prices
- Preparation of tax returns for employees and private individuals with domestic and foreign income
- Advisory services for foreign taxpayers with domestic income (taxpayers with limited tax liability, cross-border commuters)
- Advisory services on double taxation cases
- Advisory services for enterprises with cross-border activities
- Activities and start-up counselling for foreign enterprises and private individuals which would like to establish businesses in Germany, in particular, issues regarding legal form as well as applicable regulations according to tax law and commercial law
- Monitoring and coordination of start-ups established by foreign individuals or foreign enterprises in Germany
- Preparation of monthly reportings for German subsidiaries or permanent establishments of foreign parent companies based on existing corporate guidelines
- Advice on structuring transactions for domestic taxpayers with foreign income
Better off with individual advice
Auditors and Tax-Consulting in Cologne
We are a medium-sized tax and audit firm in Cologne. The size of our office is in accord with our professional philosophy "small but excellent" as this represents proximity, availability and trust. These are prerequisites for personal and individual assistance.
Tax and economic issues and objectives accompany us throughout our lives and can seldomly be overcome without individual and professional advice. Therefore, we and our employees are geared towards assisting you with qualified advice, ensuring you are not troubled with significant life situations, thus enabling you to focus on your job, your business and your personal goals.
We as the firm’s proprietors as well as our employees are looking forward to you visiting our website and your interest in our consultancy concept.
We work on an interdisciplinary basis with lawyers, notaries and other freelancers, e. g. with the law firm Froese & Partner GbR.
- Die Mittelstandsberater Köln e.V. (registered society providing advice for medium-sized businesses)
- Vereinigung der Fachberater für Internationales Steuerrecht e.V. (registered society of expert advisors for international tax law)
- UmsatzsteuerForum e.V. (VAT forum, registered society)
- Deutsch-Belgisch-Luxemburgische Handelskammer VoG (society of German, Belgian and Luxembourgian chambers of commerce)
- ifa-Deutsche Vereinigung für Internationales Steuerrecht (association for international tax law)
- Verein der Steuerberater, Wirtschaftsprüfer, vereidigten Buchprüfer e.V. (registered society for tax consultants, public auditors and sworn auditors)
- Steuerberater-Verband e.V. (association of tax consultants, registered society) Cologne
- e.V. (association of auditors for medium-sized businesses, registered society)
- IDW Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer in Deutschland e.V. (institution for public auditors in Germany, registered society)
- Dienstleistungsgenossenschaft Eifel eG (Service Cooperative Eifel, registered cooperative)
Sector-specific experience determines the quality of our work
Our extensive industry experience determines the quality of our work. We are particularly successful in assisting freelancers and medium-sized businesses of various legal forms.
Apart from personal assistance, our clients attach particular importance to a high professional consultancy standard. In this respect, they, like us, depend on the continuity of our long-standing, well-coordinated consultancy team.
If required, we strengthen our team through cooperation partners. We engage the best experts for special tasks and are not limited to our own resources or in-house dependencies. This way, we can provide you with holistic consultancy services, from foundation to auditing.
Using sophisticated software for tax/law firms and the most advanced communications technology, we provide you as our client with reliable assessments and an up-to-date online connection.